The CANSSI Ontario PhD Candidate Job Market Board seeks to highlight PhD students from CANSSI Ontario partner universities who are seeking employment opportunities in 2023.
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Adaptively Exploiting d-Separators with Causal Bandits.
Minimax Rates for Conditional Density Estimation via Empirical Entropy.
Stochastic Convergence Rates and Applications of Adaptive Quadrature in Bayesian Inference.
PhD Supervisor(s):
Daniel Roy
Estimation of cluster functionals for regularly varying time series: Runs estimators
Estimation of cluster functionals for regularly varying time series: Sliding blocks estimators
PhD Supervisor(s):
Rafal Kulik
Statistical models for decision-making in professional soccer.
Social Selectivity in Higher Education: A Case Study of Canada and the Czech Republic.
Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA): Protocol for individual participant data meta-analyses.
PhD Supervisor(s):
Zilin Wang
Mary Thompson
A Discrimination-Free Premium Under a Causal Framework.
Tweedie double GLM loss triangles with dependence within and across business lines.
A consolidated database of police-reported motor vehicle traffic accidents in the United States for actuarial applications
PhD Supervisor(s):
Mary Hardy
Paul Marriott
Comparison of mixed model based approaches for correcting for population substructure with application to extreme phenotype sampling.
PhD Supervisor(s):
Kelly Burkett
About "her emails".
On cycling risk and discomfort: urban safety mapping and bike route recommendations.
PhD Supervisor(s):
Wayne Oldford
CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Yaqi Shi
CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Kosar Teymouri
CANSSI Ontario
10th Floor, Suite 10072
700 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z5