About Us

CANSSI Ontario

Our goal is to strengthen and enhance research and training in statistical science by developing programs that promote interdisciplinary research and enable multidisciplinary collaborations.

CANSSI Ontario provides both province-wide leadership in the development of these programs, and local leadership for data-intensive research within the University of Toronto (U of T) community.

CANSSI Ontario at UofT

The University of Toronto and the Faculty of Arts & Science is building capacity in statistical and data science in response to the rapid increase of data-intensive research in most academic disciplines. On July 1, 2019, CANSSI Ontario at UofT was established with the dual role to further strengthen the University’s activities in statistical and data science and to host CANSSI Ontario: the Ontario Regional Centre of the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI).

CANSSI Ontario at UofT is administered by the Department of Statistical Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Science at U of T.


CANSSI is a national institute offering the leadership and infrastructure necessary to increase and further develop statistical sciences research in Canada and promote the discipline. CANSSI launched in November 2012. For more information, visit their website.