Banting-CANSSI Discovery Award in Biostatistics

A three-way partnership among the Banting Research Foundation, CANSSI, and CANSSI Ontario introduces new interdisciplinary Banting–CANSSI Discovery Awards in Biostatistics.

These are one-year awards of up to $30,000 each, intended to support early-career investigators in biostatistics who collaborate with scientists in fields of biomedicine, occupational health, or environmental health.

A total of four awards are available to applicants with academic appointments at Canadian universities or their affiliated research institutes. Two of the four awards are reserved for biostatisticians based in Ontario.

Applicants are required to propose innovative statistical or computational methodology research and demonstrate interdisciplinary collaboration with a health scientist on a project that has the strong potential to advance health, health equity, and/or patient outcomes.

Click here to read more about the opportunity.

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