The CANSSI Ontario Workshop/Lecture Grants (COWL) supports workshops or lectures that are being organized by researchers based at CANSSI Ontario partner institutions, in emerging areas of statistical and data sciences, including applied statistics, such as biostatistics and financial statistics.
COWL provides financial support only. Typical support requests are from $500 to $1,000 depending on the details, needs, and length of the event.
COWL is one key way in which CANSSI Ontario engages a wider community and forges and maintains connections with its constituencies.
COWL is intended to support activities in topics of current research interest in statistical and data sciences. These will often include opportunities for the involvement of young scientists and graduate students, and an emphasis on building cross-disciplinary collaborations.
The CANSSI Ontario Directorate makes decisions about support for eligible applicants.
CANSSI Ontario will assess submissions on:
COWL proposals should be submitted by the individual who is responsible for the activity for which support is sought, or on behalf of a program committee or organizing body.
COWL activities can take place outside Ontario, at partner institutions, including, but not restricted to, CANSSI Ontario Member and Partner institutions. Proposals should specify a range of possible dates and the confirmed/preferred location for the activity.
It is recommended that COWL applications be submitted at least 6 months before the start date of the activity.
Organizing committees for COWL activities can include Ontario, other Canadian and, as possible, international members. We encourage inclusion of members of CANSSI Ontario partner institutions. Please include in the proposal the names and affiliations of the organizing committee members, with full contact information.
Please provide a description of the proposed activity and its expected impact/value in lay terms, including an overview of the subject, its recent achievements and future directions. This should be followed by a more detailed description of the topic, aimed at experts, including the scientific background/history of the subject, major developments, and relevance to statistical and data sciences.
Proposals should also contain a justification for the intended activity, including, whenever possible, comparisons with similar activities.
An outline of the proposed structure, including the format of a typical day and a preliminary schedule indicating the number and types of talks/lectures intended in the program and additional events (e.g. panel discussions, prize ceremonies, social events).
CANSSI Ontario strives to advance research in the statistical sciences in Ontario by attracting new researchers to the field, increasing the points of contact among researchers nationally and internationally, and providing assistance to collaborations with other disciplines and organizations. Proposals for CANSSI Ontario supported activities should be mindful of the gender balance of speakers and participants and also the participation of under-represented groups in the field. Preference will be given to proposals that include scientists at different career levels, from different institutions and geographical locations in Ontario and abroad. Plans should include the involvement of students and postdoctoral fellows as possible.
Names and affiliations of proposed short- and long-term participants (including tentative agreement to participate, if available) should be provided in the proposal. Organizers should encourage the participation of women, early career researchers (up to 10 years after Ph.D.), postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students.
CANSSI Ontario COWL funding will be provided according to program needs and details.
Your proposed budget should clearly set out how much funding you are requesting from CANSSI Ontario and how much will be sought from other sources. Organizers are strongly encouraged to apply for additional sources of funding for their event/activity.
The detailed budget should set out detailed expenses and income in Canadian Dollars, as follows:
In the expenses section, please have:
In the income section, please have:
Estimates of travel costs should be based on economy travel. Per diem and other costs should be based on the University of Toronto Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses. Other costs, such as catering (coffee breaks, receptions, banquets), proceedings, and excursions should be covered by other sources, such as registration fees or external grants. The proposed budget should specify, in Canadian dollars, all expected sources of income and expense for the activity.
CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Yaqi Shi
CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Kosar Teymouri
CANSSI Ontario
10th Floor, Suite 10072
700 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z5