CANSSI Ontario Data Access Grants


These grants of up to $5,000 cover costs associated with accessing and working with large data sources, which are necessary to carry out data-intensive research and application.

The goals of the program are to support projects that emphasize the development of statistical methodology, and to foster research by mitigating the high cost of access to many data sets.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Funding is available for at least two grants each fiscal year (May to April). Additional projects may also be funded subject to the availability of funds.


  1. Trainees or faculty members at CANSSI Ontario partner universities are eligible to apply.
  2. Each proposal must include two faculty members from different academic units including from different departments, divisions, faculties, or affiliated research institutes. However, at least one faculty member must be appointed to a statistics/biostatistics unit (department, division or school), or is a biostatistics/statistics scientist appointed to a mathematics department or a school/division of public health.

Expectations and Commitments

This program is expected to bring together faculty from different disciplines to work on projects through a shared trainee at a Master’s, Doctoral, or Postdoctoral level.

How to Apply

To apply for a grant, please submit:

  1. A one-page budget, and
  2. A one- to two-page study proposal

The proposal and budget should specifically detail what data will be paid for by the CANSSI Ontario data access grant, and the budget should detail the specific costs.

Allowable Expenses

This grant is intended to cover costs of accessing data.

Consequently, your application materials must detail costs to be incurred for accessing data.

In addition, you may apply for costs incurred for high performance computing with and storing of those data.

For clarity, these costs must be for computational/systems operations, possibly including costs invoiced or levied by data sources, but cannot include salaries, stipends, or other payments to staff, students, or others for purposes of computing, storing, or accessing data.
Past Recipients & News