![Trang Bui - International Women & Girls in Science Day - Graphics Card](https://canssiontario.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/02-Feb-11-2023-International-Women-Girls-in-Science-Day-Trang-Bui-300x153.png)
2023 International Day of Women and Girls In Science: Trang Bui
Trang Bui, PhD Candidate Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa
Onifade MY, Roy-Gagnon MH, Parent ME, Burkett KM. Comparison of mixed model based approaches for correcting for population substructure with application to extreme phenotype sampling.
BMC Genomics, 23, Article number: 98, 2022.
I am interested in developing statistical methods to discover genetic factors that contribute to human traits. My PhD research is centred on developing a linear mixed model for correcting for population stratification in extreme phenotype sampling.
Drs. Kelly Burkett and David Sankoff
Trang Bui, PhD Candidate Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,
Maryam Y. Onifade, PhD Candidate Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Emma Kroell, PhD Candidate Department of Statistical Sciences, University of
Anita Shahrokhian, PhD Candidate Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University
On December 22, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established
Maryam Y. Onifade, PhD Candidate Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Emma Kroell, PhD Candidate Department of Statistical Sciences, University of
Anita Shahrokhian, PhD Candidate Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University
On December 22, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established
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