CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Kosar Teymouri

Kosar Teymouri Selected as a Trainee Under the CANSSI Ontario STAGE Program.CANSSI Ontario STAGE is pleased to announce that Kosar Teymouri has been selected as a CANSSI Ontario STAGE Trainee with her project “Prediction of Schizophrenia Subtypes Using Omics Data." Kosar, a PhD student in the

CANSSI Ontario STAGE Welcomes PhD Trainee Fesobi Oluwamuyiwa

Fesobi Oluwamuyiwa Selected as a Trainee Under the CANSSI Ontario STAGE Program.CANSSI Ontario STAGE is pleased to announce that Fesobi Oluwamuyiwa has been selected as a CANSSI Ontario STAGE Trainee with his project “Investigating the Role of Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles in Cystic Fibrosis