Announcing CANSSI Ontario’s 2024 Cohort of Mdoc Program Trainees: Xianghong Fang
Congratulations to PhD student Xianghong Fang on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
The Department of Statistical Sciences (DoSS) at the University of Toronto and CANSSI Ontario have partnered to offer doctoral positions through a Multidisciplinary Doctoral (Mdoc) training program in the DoSS.
The funding package is the same as for other DoSS doctoral students, including TA assignments.
One supervisor must have an appointment in DoSS.
The other co-supervisor can also be appointed to DoSS, as long as they represent different disciplines. Alternatively, the co-supervisor can be from:
International or domestic students admitted for doctoral studies in the DoSS.
Project submissions: October 15, 2024
Faculty members who wish to supervise a CANSSI Ontario Mdoc will submit a multidisciplinary project proposal by October 15, 2024. Application instructions and requirements are listed below.
Doctoral applicants to the DoSS should opt to be considered for a CANSSI Mdoc in their online application for doctoral studies. Their application for doctoral studies will be reviewed and chosen by faculty members with an approved CANSSI Mdoc proposal, if applicable.
CANSSI Ontario invites supervisors to propose research projects to this program. Supervisors with approved projects will select students admitted to the DoSS doctoral program who noted interest in the Mdoc program in their graduate school application.
Each year as many as three students may be accepted as CANSSI Mdocs from the students who apply for doctoral studies in the DoSS.
The DoSS Mdoc program welcomes interest from students with strong backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, or related disciplines from colleges and universities in Canada and Internationally.
CANSSI Ontario will match up to three students to an approved research project/supervisory team.
Click here to access the online application form.
In the online application for doctoral studies in the DoSS there is an option to click if you are interested in the CANSSI Mdoc program. Interested applicants should choose this option in their doctoral studies application form. Accepted applicants for doctoral studies in the DoSS who expressed interest in the Mdoc program will be considered for approved faculty Mdoc projects.
Each selected trainee is eligible to receive up to $2,000 in travel awards per fiscal year. This funding is designed to support their academic and professional development opportunities.
CANSSI Ontario Mdocs have the PhD program requirements of their chosen DoSS field, but will have two research supervisors, one from the DoSS and a second from another academic unit. The supervisor from the second field could be appointed in another department in the Faculty of Arts and Science, in another University of Toronto Faculty, or in one of the affiliated research institutes or hospitals. The research and training of a CANSSI Ontario Mdoc is expected to be multidisciplinary and data-driven, with research output that includes publication or submission to the scholarly domains of both supervisors.
Faculty members who wish to supervise a CANSSI Ontario Mdoc will submit a multidisciplinary project proposal to CANSSI Ontario by November 15, 2022. The applications will be adjudicated by a CANSSI Ontario appointed grant review panel. Notification of approved proposals will be sent out prior to the graduate admissions committee meeting. Doctoral applicants who opted to be considered for a CANSSI Ontario Mdoc will be reviewed and chosen by the faculty members with approved CANSSI Mdoc proposals, for project suitability.
Congratulations to PhD student Xianghong Fang on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
Congratulations to PhD student Huanlin Mao on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
Congratulations to PhD student Ruyi Pan on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
Congratulations to PhD student Junhao Zhu on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
Congratulations to PhD student Dayi (David) Li on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program.
Congratulations to PhD candidate Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda on being selected for this multidisciplinary and data-driven training program
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CANSSI Ontario
10th Floor, Suite 10072
700 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z5